Rome – Las Vegas: Bread and Circuses catalogs the two cities
I have yet to make a pilgrimage to The Sphere, but I think about it more than I’d like to admit, searching for tickets to see Dead & Company under its dome of high-resolution screens or doling out Instagram likes to friends who road-tripped east on Interstate 15… Continue reading
Open Architecture’s Sun Tower Rises on China’s Shandong Peninsula | Architectural Record
Drawing on the region’s history of sun worship, the waterfront ‘lighthouse’ has become a local attraction in the coastal city of Yantai. Source: Open Architecture’s Sun Tower Rises on China’s Shandong Peninsula | Architectural Record… Continue reading
Winners 2024 | ISTD International Typographic Awards 2024
CERTIFICATES OF EXCELLENCE IWAN BAAN: MOMENTS IN ARCHITECTURE Haller Brun Source: Winners 2024 | ISTD International Typographic Awards 2024… Continue reading
MAD reveals mixed-use tower that features a cracked-open canyon in the heart of Denver
MAD has revealed a mixed-use tower that features a cracked-open canyon in the heart of Denver, Colorado, United States. Named One River North (ORN), the residential tower, which spans 31,835 square meters, is a new development that aims to redefine urban living in Denver. Source: MAD reveals mixed-use… Continue reading
Embodying the sacred and profane in Iwan Baan’s images of ‘Rome – Las Vegas’
The Dutch photographer trains his meticulous eye on the image of Rome and Las Vegas, taking inspiration from Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi’s book on Vegas’ symbols. Source: Embodying the sacred and profane in Iwan Baan’s images of ‘Rome – Las Vegas’… Continue reading
“The unexpected things are often more interesting than the project alone” Interview with Iwan Baan at the Vitra Design Museum | Espazium
Iwan Baan’s first complete retrospective, “Moments of Architecture”, presented at the Vitra Design Museum, traces more than two decades of the artist’s famous documentary photography. In this interview, Baan describes his work as a “zoom in and out” between the details of buildings, often under construction, and… Continue reading
With One River North, MAD Architects Experiments with Biophilic Design in Denver | Architectural Record
In Denver’s gritty, graffitied, postindustrial northeast, where local creatives have long flocked, developers have been busily transforming surface parking lots and former warehouses near the Union Pacific depot into new housing stock. When the din of construction equipment finally clears and the nearby tracks are free of passing… Continue reading
American Modern offers vignettes of home in Columbus, Indiana
American Modern: Architecture; Community; Columbus, Indiana, is a comprehensive story about Columbus, Indiana, and its architecture. Amply illustrated with archival material and contemporary photography by Iwan Baan, American Modern chronicles how Columbus became the testing bed for modern architecture that is today and how it grew out of… Continue reading
José Selgas and Lucía Cano Add a Dash of 21st-Century Whimsy to their Family Compound in Northern Madrid | Architectural Record
In an era of suburban teardowns, with older homes replaced by lot-stuffing mansions, architects José Selgas and Lucía Cano have charted a different course at their own family compound in northern Madrid. Like the other pavilions they have built for themselves on the grounds, a home and studio,… Continue reading
Las Vegas en Rome: Architectuur, brood en spelen – Archined
Bijna niemand lacht op de nieuwe fotoserie van Iwan Baan. Met Rome – Las Vegas, Bread and Circuses laat hij de vergaande gevolgen zien die de digitalisering van onze samenleving heeft op steden, en toont hij gelijktijdig de essentie van stedelijkheid. Baan heeft een meesterwerk afgeleverd, oordeelt Allard… Continue reading
SANAA wins 2025 Charlotte Perriand Award | Wallpaper
The 2025 Charlotte Perriand Award goes to the Japanese architecture practice SANAA, it has just been announced. The studio, founded by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, is renowned for its ethereal, progressive and minimalist architecture which has led to numerous commissions and buildings all over the world –… Continue reading
Iwan Baan: el fotògraf d’arquitectura més transgressor exposa al Museu Ico de Madrid
El fotògraf neerlandès Iwan Baan (Alkmaar, 1975) va quedar fascinat per la fotografia quan la seva àvia li va regalar una càmera fotogràfica pel seu dotzè aniversari. Més endavant va estudiar fotografia a la Reial Escola de Belles Arts de la Haia, però no va arribar a aconseguir… Continue reading