Two Sides of the Border. The region that Mexico and the US share – We Make Money Not Art

“Iwan Baan‘s photos occupy about one third of the book. They speak silently about changing landscapes, hybrid architecture and cultures in constant mutations. His aerial photos, for example, show how NAFTA is far more than an economic agreement, it is an agent that physically affected the Mexican landscape… Continue reading

a+u 2020:11 — SO–IL – Unfinished Business | Architecture and Urbanism (a+u) | a+u Architecture and Urbanism Magazine

This is our first monograph featuring the work of NYC-based SO–IL. SO–IL spend a lot of their time thinking about boundaries in the built environment, the interfaces between them, and where our bodies fit in. Much like bodies, SO–IL’s work can sag, be pulled taut, and occasionally moves and… Continue reading

The primitive light of Ensamble Studio – Domus

This salvage project in a former quarry saw light and stone carvings as an opportunity to rethink the dwelling in minimal terms. Source: The primitive light of Ensamble Studio – Domus… Continue reading

Flower House by No Architecture – Dwell

No Architecture designs a flower-shaped weekend house with an octagonal courtyard and interconnected spaces that bring a family together during the pandemic. Source: Flower House by No Architecture – Dwell… Continue reading

Miró Rivera Architects: Building a New Arcadia — Miró Rivera Architects | Residential, Commercial & Institutional Architecture | Austin, Texas

The award-winning work of Miró Rivera Architects is explored through texts, drawings, and original photography; from the Vertical House to Circuit of The Americas, this richly illustrated book offers a unique approach to understanding architecture and urbanism in Texas and beyond. A photo essay featuring the work… Continue reading

Imponerende foto’s Iwan Baan tonen hoe architect steden uitbreidde ‘De kwaliteit van Dudok als ruimtelijk ontwerper en ‘stedenbouwer’

Hij woonde als tiener enkele jaren in Hilversum, reist al jarenlang de hele wereld rond, maar was de voorbije periode op sommige momenten weer even terug in de plaats van Willem Marinus Dudok. “Het was leuk om Hilversum opnieuw te zien. Ik ken het nog goed, maar dat was… Continue reading

A conversation with Steven Holl and Chris McVoy on the Kinder Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston – Domus

Inaugurated on November 21st, the Kinder Building is the latest project by Steven Holl Architects for the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, one of the largest museum institutions in the United States. This concludes the process, which began with a competition involving 12 international firms and won… Continue reading

Cover Architectural Record October 2020 issue with Lina Ghotmeh’s Stone Garden in Beirut

In October 2020, Architectural Record explores multifamily housing and the future of cities. This month’s Continuing Education feature takes a deep dive into environmental inequity. The issue also reviews the Eisenhower Memorial in Washington, D.C., and the Rothko Chapel restoration and expansion in Houston. In the news section,… Continue reading

Stone Garden by Lina Ghotmeh | Architectural Record

Damaged by the Beirut blast, a Lebanese architect’s new residential tower is a product of its highly charged context. Source: Stone Garden by Lina Ghotmeh | 2020-09-21 | Architectural Record… Continue reading


Caracas WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 12:30 PM PST A Series of live online conversations hosted by the University of British Columbia’s School of Architecture GREG GIRARD in conversation with IWAN BAAN This conversation will focus on Baan’s work on Torre David, a nearly-completed but abandoned 45-story office tower in Caracas, occupied… Continue reading

8 Must-Read Architecture and Design Books This Summer – Azure Magazine

National Museum of Qatar by Philip JodidioLast year saw a bumper crop of impressive museum unveilings — David Adjaye’s Ruby City in Texas, Addenda Architects’ Bauhaus Museum Dessau — but the most spectacular had to be the National Museum of Qatar. Jean Nouvel’s sprawling “desert rose,” an 11-gallery… Continue reading

Kiruna, Forever Changing

The forced relocation of the northernmost city in Sweden is more than a gigantic architectural project. It is also a test for a society at the crossroads. (Places Journal – Gideon Fink Shapiro) Another key work, Global Kiruna, tracks the journey of iron ore, via trains and… Continue reading