Song Through 21st Century Eyes – Yaozhou & Qingbai Ceramic

Meijering Art Books, Dreumel 2009 Song China Through 21st Century Eyes discusses Song Dynasty Yaozhou and Qingbai ceramics. Ilustrated from one of the finest private collections in the world, it is authored by the world-renowned authority on Chinese ceramics Rose Kerr. This book looks at two very distinct ceramic types,… Continue reading


Stimuleringsfonds Voor Architectuur 2007 Erik A. de Jong, Jan Kolen, Jos Bazelmans Perspectief bundelt drie essays die elk de productie van cultuurhistorische kennis in een ander perspectief zetten. De essays zijn in meer of mindere mate bewerkingen van oraties, alle gehouden in 2006. Erik A. de Jong,… Continue reading

Domus d’autore, Post Occupancy

Published in May 2006, featuring images, panorama’s and interactive 3D special from the Seattle Public Library, the IIT, Casa da Musica and the Dutch Embassy by Iwan Baan. Continue reading